Tuesday, February 21, 2006

New Photos and an update on Grace!!!!!!

Thanks to a traveling parent, we have new photos of Grace! Thanks to the combined effort of LWB and a new friend in Nanjing we have a clearer picture of Grace's special need (imperforate anus). Things are Progressing also as we rec'd our P.A. from the CCAA on Friday the 17th!!!!! Hang on Gracie we're coming!

Paperchasing-The home Stretch!!

We have collected all of our documents except for the I-171-h and the final copy of the homestudy! We have to wait for the judge to certify our homestudy (AZ requirement) and then it goes to the INS. In AZ they won't do your fingerprints until they receive your homestudy! So unless a miracle happens it will be April before were DTC :(

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Paperchase update!

Today marked the end of our collection of papers! Tomorrow Brian and I will have 4 of them notarized andthen it's off to the capitol building on Wednesday for state seals for AZ. Yeah! One more interview for our homestudy and then it goes to the County Judge for certification and then finally to the INS. Hang on Gracie were plowing through!